What Do You Do All Day? (or "Stop Me Before I Volunteer Again")
The Blog
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Virus 1; Me 0. OK, the only thing worse than being so busy you don't have time to breathe is being that busy and sick at the same time. It has not been a fun week. And to make things worse, it was my first full week without a babysitter, so not only did I have too much to do, and no energy to do it...but my work days just got three hours shorter. Can't even tell you how much longer that makes the "to do" lists.
Fighting Back
- Attended 8:30 a.m. budget meeting at neighborhood school and met with principal briefly afterward - Answered a few urgent e-mails - Wrote agenda & minutes for PTA Executive Board meeting - Wrote agenda & minutes & action summary for PTA Parent meeting - Answered a bit more e-mail - Ordered pizza for PTA potluck - Attended PTA board meeting - Attended PTA membership meeting/potluck
posted by Elizabeth 11:36 AM